
Apply with WallpaperCam
for inclusion of the webcam you are operating.
Drive traffic to your website and services via
the prominent Cam Homepage button
within the WallpaperCam program. Increase or
even multiply your traffic...
FREE inclusion of your quality webcam,
if it meets our minimum standards. Inclusion
can't be guaranteed and is subject to editorial
Apply now, it's worth the try!
Advantages of submitting your webcam:
- More visitors to your website
via the prominent Cam Homepage
Button in Wallpaper Cam.
- Increased awareness of your website.
- Link from the WallpaperCam homepage.
- Possible top rating and top listing.
- Possibility to increase revenue
by selling
WallpaperCam as affiliate...

Additionally you may sell
WallpaperCam via your website as addition to
your webcam or even from unrelated websites.
WallpaperCam is a Topseller and is guaranteed
to earn you a decent income, depending on the
quality of your traffic. If you are operating
a webcam of your own, your visitors are well
targetted already...
Apply for the high quality affiliate program
of this topseller. The affiliate program
is fully automated by our payment processor
eSellerate, which is leading in affiliate management.
Advantages of joining the Wallpaper
affiliate program:
- Easy to use, easy to understand
- Every internet user is a potential
- Fair end-user pricing leads to
high conversions.
- Easy to setup and use, secure
affiliate program
operated by market leader eSellerate.
- Secure, transparent affiliate
tracking & payouts
- Fair revenue share - earn good
- ...more